
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Earn Big Money From Low Traffic Even As You Work To Increase Your Web or Blog Site Traffic

Everybody knows that they need to increase their web or blog site traffic to start making money online. Sadly what most folks do not know is that it is possible to cash in on low traffic even as you increase your site traffic.

There are various ways of doing this. There are special programs that target low traffic web sites and there are also affiliate programs that will work with very low targeted traffic. There are even specific techniques that low traffic web or blog sites can use that will guarantee that they start earning money from low traffic much sooner that most people think possible.

As I have often said before, the big problem is that most of the revenue generating advice given online is designed for high traffic sites. So we have a situation here where some very frustrated webmasters are busy flogging a dead horse, because it is common sense that most affiliate programs will only work with high traffic sites. Many affiliate web sites require 500 hits to yield a single sale. If a small site usually takes 4 months to achieve that kind of number on their hit counters, the results are easy to predict with great accuracy. They will be making one sale every four months or so. That will be $15 every four months or $3.75 monthly.

Actually many blogs and low traffic sites do not even manage $3.75 per month. Yet there are various low traffic techniques that can be implemented to help a low traffic web site earn hundreds of dollars every month.

There is a way for example to make the Google Adsense program yield significant revenue from very low traffic web or blog sites. The idea here is to use the right keywords so as to maximize on the earnings from each click.

There is even one particular program that I personally use for my very low traffic blogs where a certain site pays $5 for every link I include in my regular posts. This may not appear to be much money but it takes moments to install one link on a post so dozens can be done within a very short time.

It is amazing, the revenue earning opportunities that you will suddenly find when you focus on finding revenue specifically for a low traffic blog or web site and focusing specifically on the techniques best suited for low traffic web sites.

Do you have a low traffic site? You don't need to wait to build up high traffic to earn from your site. Get Big Money from your low traffic site right away even as you work on building your traffic. Email me now for a personal reply, Free Special Report and a valuable free online course.

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